A. Population
Barangay Guripan has a total population of 2,364 residing in 319 households. Its population density or the average number of person per hectare is 3.

Figure 1. Age-Gender distribution of Barangay Guripan in 2019
Figure above shows that among the barangay’s total population, females ages 0-5 has the largest population among the female group, while male ages 21-25 has the largest population among the male group. Within the total resident population in 2019, males outnumbered females. The shape of the population pyramid illustrates a young population. A wide base indicates that this is a community with a growing population.
B. Age and Sex Distribution
The distribution of the female population between the different age groups are as follows: 13.28 % females for ages 0 to 5, 12.69% females for ages 6 to 10, 12.09% females for ages 11 to 15, 9.10% females for ages 16 to 20, 9.40% for ages 21 to 25, 8.21% females for ages 26 to 30, 4.78% females for ages 31 to 35, 3.58% females for ages 36 to 40, 3.89% females for ages 41 to 45, 5.37% females for ages 46 to 50, 6.27% females for ages 51 to 55, 2.83% females for ages 56 to 60, 1.64% females for ages 61 to 65, 2.39% females for ages 66 to 70, 2.09% females for ages 71 to 75, 1.49% females for ages 76 to 80, 0.75% females for ages 81 to 85, and 0.15% female for ages 86 and above. The female age group with the highest population are those between ages 0 to 5, which caters 13.28% of the total number of female population. The age group with the least population are those ages 86 and above, which caters 0.15% of the total female population in Barangay Guripan.
The distribution of the male population between the age groups are as follows: 11.56 % males for ages 0 to 5, 10.48% males for ages 6 to 10, 12.23% males for ages 11 to 15, 12.90% males for ages 16 to 20, 13.04% males for ages 21 to 25, 7.93% males for ages 26 to 30, 4.44% males for ages 31 to 35, 3.23% males for ages 36 to 40, 5.65% males for ages 41 to 45, 5.38% males for ages 46 to 50, 3.76% males for ages 51 to 55, 4.03% males for ages 56 to 60, 1.61% males for ages 61 to 65, 1.75% males for ages 66 to 70, 0.54% males for ages 71 to 75, 0.54%) males for ages 76 to 80, 0.67% males for ages 81 to 85, 0.27% males for ages 86 and above. The male age group with the highest population are those between ages 21 to 25, which caters 13.04% of the total number of male population. The age group with the least population are those ages 86 and above, which caters 0.27% of the total male population in Barangay Guripan.
C. Population by Purok
Barangay Guripan has a total population of 2,364 and is politically divided into 6 puroks. The table below shows the distribution of population per purok according to household and gender, Purok 6 having the highest population of 547, and Purok 4 with the lowest population of 264.

Table 1. Population of brgy. Guripan by Purok (Source: Guripan Barangay Council 2019)
D. Religious Affiliation
As of 2014 the religious affiliations of barangay Guripan are the following. Out of which, 1,239 (93.79%) are Roman Catholic, 1 (0.08%) is Protestant, 8 (0.61%) are Iglesia Ni Cristo, 14 (1.06%) are Islam, 28 (2.12%) are Born Again, 3 (0.23%) are Seventh-Day Adventist, 27 (2.04%) are marked as others.

Figure 2. Population by religious affiliations of barangay Guripan (Source: RCBMS result 2014)
E. Ethnicity
As recorded by the Rapid Community Based Monitoring System (RCBMS) for the year 2014, among the total population in barangay Guripan, 3 (0.23%) are Ilonggo, 1 (0.08%) is Kalingan, 148 (11.20%) are Subanen, 1 (0.07%) is Tausug, 1,165 (88.19%) are Bisaya, and 3 (0.23%) are marked as others.

Figure 3. Population by ethnicity of barangay Guripan
Source: RCBMS result 2014
A. Facilities
Barangay Guripan has a Barangay Health Station which was renovated last 2016. It is made of concrete materials, but still lacks furniture, and charts displayed. It has one (1) table for the nurse and midwife, and one (1) for the barangay nutrition scholar, one (1) bed, and a comfort room.
B. Personnel
The barangay has one (1) midwife, Hermocilia Mejia, RM, who is a Local Government Unit employee and is assigned to four catchment areas. The midwife is the first-line implementor of all DOH program and monitors the health status of the people of the community. There is also one (1) nurse, Rubie Jane Talo, RN, augmented human resource for health under nurse deployment project of Department of Health. Also, one (1) barangay health worker (BHW), Elcana Deloyola, who is LGU-hired and assists the midwife and nurse with all the health services in the BHS, one (1) barangay nutrition scholar (BNS), Emeteria Limsan, which focuses on children under 5 years old and monitors their nutritional status. Aside from them, there is also one (1) sanitary inspector who is assigned on the south area of Mahayag, and two (2) medtechs who are assigned on the whole community of the municipality.
C. Services
The barangay health station offers services aimed to provide primary health care, specifically the following:
· Maternal care – Prenatal and postnatal checkups.
· Child care- National immunization program, deworming and Vitamin A for Under 5, and operation timbang.
· Family planning
· Non-communicable disease care - hypertension and diabetes mellitus maintenance
· Communicable disease care- National tuberculosis program
D. Health Indices

Table 2. Top 10 Morbidity Cases in Mahayag, Zamboanga del Sur (Source: FHSIS 2019)
The data shown in table above are the top 10 morbidity cases for the year 2019 for the municipality of Mahayag. The leading cause of morbidity is upper respiratory tract infection with 434 cases, followed by urinary tract infection with 117 cases, 54 patients who had unspecified skin problem, 20 patients who had systemic viral infection, 18 patients who had infected wound, 13 patients who had carbuncle, 10 patients who had scabies, 8 patients who had otitis media, another 8 patients who had hypertension, 7 patients who had headache with unspecified origin and 6 patients who had epigastric pain with unspecified origin.

Table 3. Top 5 Morbidity Cases in Guripan, Mahayag, Zamboanga del Sur (Source: FHSIS 2019)
The data shown in table above are the top 5 morbidity cases for the year 2019 for barangay Guripan. The leading cause of morbidity in Guripan was upper respiratory tract infection with 18 cases, followed by urinary tract infection with 5 cases, 4 patients who had unspecified skin problem, 2 patients who had carbuncle and 1 patient who had arthritis. Other morbidity cases with 1 patient each include amoebiasis, unspecified eye problem, fever and swelling (unspecified). There are also 39 hypertensive patients and 4 diabetic patients being monitored by the barangay health station.

Figure 4. 2019 Mortality in Municipality of Mahayag (Source: Local Civil Registrar)
In 2019, the leading cause of death is myocardial infarction with 58 cases, followed by cancer with 23 cases, 16 patients died due tob, 14 patients died due to Sepsis, 13 patients died due to chronic renal failure, 8 patients died due to vehicular accident, 7 patients died due to hepatic failure, another 7 patients died due to hypovolemic shock, 6 patients died due to respiratory failure, 5 patients due to chronic heart failure and 4 patients died due to gunshot wound.
For Barangay Guripan, there were four (4) reported cases of death for the year 2019. One case for each of the following: myocardial infarction, bronchopneumonia, respiratory failure and gunshot wound.

Figure 5. 2018 Mortality in Municipality of Mahayag (Source: Local Civil Registrar )
In 2018, the leading cause of death was myocardial infarction with 78 cases, followed by cancer with 25 cases, 14 died due to bronchopneumonia, 11 patients died due to vehicular accident, another 11 patients died due to chronic heart failure, 10 patients died due to chronic renal failure, 5 patients died due to sepsis, 4 patients each died due to Koch’s disease, liver cirrhosis and community acquired pneumonia. Other mortality cases include bleeding peptic ulcer with 3 deaths, severe malnutrition with 3 deaths, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with 3 deaths, 2 patients died due to cardiovascular accident and 1 patient died due to intractable seizure.
For barangay Guripan, there were 2 reported cases of death for the year 2018. One case of myocardial infarction and another one case for colonic cancer.

Figure 6. 2017 Mortality in Municipality of Mahayag (Source: Local Civil Registrar )
In 2017, the leading cause of death was myocardial infarction with 58 cases, followed by cancer with 23 cases, 14 died due to sepsis, 13 patients died due to chronic renal failure, 8 patients died due to vehicular accident, 7 patients died due to hepatic failure, 6 patients died due to hypovolemic shock, another 6 patients died due to respiratory failure, 5 patients died due to chronic heart failure and 4 patients died due to gunshot wounds.
For barangay Guripan, there were 4 reported cases of death for the year 2017. One case for each of the following: myocardial infarction, lung cancer, bronchopneumonia and pneumonia.

Figure 7. 2016 Mortality in Municipality of Mahayag (Source: Local Civil Registrar)
In 2016, the leading cause of death was hypertension with 31 cases, followed by senility with 18 cases, 12 died due to chronic renal failure, 9 patients died due to vehicular accident, 8 patients died due to bronchopneumonia, another 8 patients died due to Koch’s disease, 5 patients died due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 5 patients died due to sepsis, 5 patients died due to liver cirrhosis, 4 patients died due to bleeding peptic ulcer and another 4 patients died due to stabbed wound. Other mortality cases include suicide with 3 deaths, renal tone with 2 deaths and one case each of the following: gastrointestinal anomaly, acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis, neck carcinoma and snake bite.
For barangay Guripan, there were 4 reported cases of death for the year 2016. One case for each of the following: chronic renal failure, sepsis, myocardial infarction and cardiopulmonary arrest.

Figure 8. 2015 Mortality in Municipality of Mahayag (Source: Local Civil Registrar)
In 2015, the leading cause of death was myocardial infarction with 53 cases, followed by chronic heart failure with 17 cases, 15 died due to cancer, 12 patients died due to cardiovascular accident, 11 patients died due to Koch’s Disease, 7 patients died due to chronic renal failure, 6 patients died due to drowning, another 6 patients died due to bronchopneumonia, 5 patients died due to gunshot wounds, 4 patients each died due to asthma, vehicular accident, liver cirrhosis and sepsis, and lastly 2 patients died due to multiple organ failure.
For barangay Guripan, there were 7 reported cases of death for the year 2016 and all were deaths due to cardiopulmonary arrest.
Child Mortality
There were no reported cases of infant mortality nor under-five mortality in the year 2019 (FHSIS 2019) in barangay Guripan.
Maternal Mortality
As of 2019, there were no maternal deaths reported in Barangay Guripan (FHSIS 2019).
Communicable Disease Statistics

Table 4. Tuberculosis Case Detection Rate for Barangay Guripan 2018-2019 (Source: NTP Registry)
In 2018, there were 2 patients submitted for direct sputum smear method but only one had positive result for tuberculosis thus he was classified as bacteriologically diagnosed patient. Furthermore, there was 1 new case out of 8 target population. The patient was cured on the same year. The goal was not achieved.
In 2019, there were 10 patients submitted for direct sputum smear method but only 2 underwent treatment, one was classified as bacteriologically diagnosed (+DSSM) and another one was classified as clinically diagnosed (-DSSM). Furthermore, there were 2 new cases out of 8 target population. Both are still being treated. The goal was not achieved.
Non-Communicable Disease Statistics
Distribution of maintenance medications for patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus is one of the services of the barangay health station. There are 39 hypertensive patients and 4 diabetic patients recorded.
Maternal Health

Table 5. Pregnant with at least 4 prenatal visits for Barangay Guripan 2018-2019 (Source: Target Client List)
Based on the 2018 barangay health station target client list, the total number of pregnant women with at least 4 prenatal visits was 18 out of 31 target population. The goal was not achieved. Based on the 2019 barangay health station target client list, the total number of pregnant women with at least 4 prenatal visits was 23 out of 31 target population. The goal is being achieved.

Table 6. Pregnant Women given two doses of TD for Barangay Guripan 2018-2019 (Source: Target Client List
Based on the 2018 barangay health station target client list, the total number of pregnant women given two doses of Tetanus Diphtheria was 22 out of 31 target population. The goal is being achieved. Based on the 2019 barangay health station target client list, the total number of pregnant women given two doses of Tetanus Diphtheria was 13 out of 31 target population. The goal was not achieved.

Table 7. Pregnant Women given TD2 plus for Barangay Guripan 2018-2019 (Source: Target Client List)
Based on the 2018 barangay health station target client list, the total number of pregnant women given Tetanus Diphtheria 2 plus was 8 out of 31 target population. The goal was not achieved. Based on the 2019 barangay health station target client list, the total number of pregnant women given two doses of Tetanus Diphtheria was 10 out of 31 target population. The goal was not achieved.

Table 8. Pregnant Women given Complete Iron for Barangay Guripan 2018-2019 (Source: Target Client List)
Based on the 2018 barangay health station target client list, the total number of pregnant women given Complete Iron was 22 out of 31 target population. The goal is being achieved.
Based on the 2019 barangay health station target client list, the total number of pregnant women given Complete Iron was 26 out of 31 target population. The goal is being achieved

Table 9. Deliveries Attended by Skilled Health Professionals for Barangay Guripan 2018-2019 (Source: Target Client List)
Based on the 2018 barangay health station target client list, the total number of pregnant women delivered by a skilled birth attendant was 21 out of 24 target population. The goal is being achieved. Based on the 2019 barangay health station target client list, the total number of pregnant women delivered by a skilled birth attendant was 26 out of 33 target population. The goal was not achieved.

Table 10. Facility Based Deliveries for Barangay Guripan 2018-2019 (Source: Target Client List)
Based on the 2018 barangay health station target client list, the total number of facility based deliveries was 21 out of 24 target population. There were 3 home deliveries. The goal is being achieved. Based on the 2019 barangay health station target client list, the total number of facility based deliveries was 26 out of 33 target population. There were 7 home deliveries. The goal is being achieved.

Table 11. Family Planning for Barangay Guripan 2018-2019
Source: FHSIS
Based on the 2018 FHSIS, out of 186 target population, based on 12.325% formula, there were 119 people use family planning. The goal is being achieved.
Based on the 2019 FHSIS, out of 396 target population, based on 25.854% formula, there were 123 people use family planning. The goal was not achieved.
Child Health
In 2018, there were a total of 24 live births recorded. 15 were males and 9 were females. 22 out of 24 live births did newborn screening and all were given BCG and hepatitis B at birth.
In 2019, there were a total of 33 live births recorded. 25 were males and 8 were females. The above-mentioned number of live births did newborn screening and are protected at birth since they were given BCG and hepatitis B vaccine at birth.

Table 12. Fully Immunized Child for Barangay Guripan 2018-2019 (Source: Target Client List)
Based on the 2018 barangay health station target client list, 33 infants out of 36 target infants were exclusively breastfed. The goal was achieved.
Based on the 2019 barangay health station target client list, 41 infants out of 36 target infants were exclusively breastfed. The goal was achieved.

Table 13. Fully Immunized Child for Barangay Guripan 2018-2019
Source: Target Client List
Based on the 2018 barangay health station target client list, 16 infants out of 36 target infants were fully immunized. The goal was not achieved.
Based on the 2019 barangay health station target client list, 5 infants out of 36 target infants were fully immunized. The goal was achieved.
The following information are based on the results of the consolidated report for the operation timbang 2018. There were a total of 88 preschool children aged 0-71 months who were measured for the (1) weight for age status, (2) length for age status, and (3) weight for length/height status, as nutritional indicators.

Figure 9. Weight-for-age status of Children aged 0-71 mos in Barangay Guripan (Source: Municipal Nutrition Action Officer)
The data shown in figure above are the weight-for-age status of 88 children aged 0-71 months who were measured for the year 2018. Out of 88 children measured 73 children had normal weight-for-age status, 4 children had overweight weight-for-age status, 11 children had underweight weight-for-age status and there was no severely underweight child.

Figure 10. Length/Height-for-age status of Children aged 0-71 mos in Barangay Guripan (Source: Municipal Nutrition Action Officer)
The data shown in figure above are the length/height-for-age status of 88 children aged 0-71 months who were measured for the year 2018. Out of 88 children measured 27 children had normal length/height-for-age status, 6 children had tall weight-for-age status, 55 children had stunted weight-for-age status and there was no severely stunted child.

Figure 11. Weight-for-Length/Height status of Children aged 0-71 mos in Barangay Guripan (Source: Municipal Nutrition Action Officer)
The data shown in figure above are the weight-for-length/height status of 88 children aged 0-71 months who were measured for the year 2018. Out of 88 children measured 61 children had normal weight-for-length/height status, 9 children had overweight weight-for-length/height status, 12 children had obese weight-for-length/height status, 3 children had wasted weight-for-length/height status and 3 children were severely wasted.
The following information are based on the results of the consolidated report for the operation timbang 2019. There were a total of 91 children aged 0-71 months who were measured for the (1) weight for age status, (2) length for age status, and (3) weight for length/height status, as nutritional indicators.

Figure 12. Weight-for-age status of Children aged 0-71 mos in Barangay Guripan (Source: Municipal Nutrition Action Officer)
The data shown in figure above are the weight-for-age status of 91 children aged 0-71 months who were measured for the year 2019. Out of 91 children measured 86 children had normal weight-for-age status, 2 children had overweight weight-for-age status, 3 children had underweight weight-for-age status and there was no severely underweight child.

Figure 13. Length/Height-for-age status of Children aged 0-71 mos in Barangay Guripan (Source: Municipal Nutrition Action Officer)
The data shown in figure above are the length/height-for-age status of 88 children aged 0-71 months who were measured for the year 2019. Out of 91 children measured 78 children had normal length/height-for-age status, 3 children had tall weight-for-age status, 9 children had stunted weight-for-age status and 1 was severely stunted child.

Figure 14. Weight-for-Length/Height status of Children aged 0-71 mos in Barangay Guripan (Source: Municipal Nutrition Action Officer)
The data shown in figure above are the weight-for-length/height status of 91 children aged 0-71 months who were measured for the year 2019. Out of 91 children measured 83 children had normal weight-for-length/height status, 3 children had overweight weight-for-length/height status, 1 child had obese weight-for-length/height status, there was no wasted child but 4 children were severely wasted.
Environmental Health
· Solid Waste Disposal
A garbage truck comes to collect waste at barangay Guripan only once a month on its 30th day. Due to the long span of time before collection, people practice burning instead. There are also waste seen on the rivers and creeks, which lead to an imposition of a rule about throwing garbage on it with accompanying fine, 500 on first-offense, 1,000 on second-offense, and 2,000 on third-offense.
· Food Sanitation
There is only one (1) food establishment in barangay Guripan and in which has a sanitary permit. Also, there are 4 food handlers and only 2 among these are with health certificate.
· Access to Potable Water
Some households of the barangay consume the drinking water from the drinking water station at Poblacion which delivers every thursday of the week. Meanwhile, some families collect their water for drinking on springs, and do not practice purification of water by boiling.
According to CBMS Survey 2016, there are 94 households out of 269 who have no access to improved sources of drinking water. Furthermore, most households uses shared faucet community water system with 74 households, followed by protected spring used by 62 households, shared tubed/ piped deep well with 52 households, own-use faucet community water system with 27 households, unprotected spring with 23 households, own-use tubed/ piped deep well with 12 households, bottled water with 11 households, dug well with 10 households, and tubed/ piped deep well. The figure below shows the percentage of sources of drinking water used by these families.

Figure 15. Source of drinking of barangay Guripan (Source: CBMS Survey 2016)
Sanitary Toilet Facilities
According to the sanitary inspector, among the 319 total of households in the barangay, 84.66 percent have access to sanitary toilet facilities, specifically the water-sealed type, on the year 2019.
Furthermore, according to CBMS survey on 2016, there are 212 households who use water-sealed, sewer septic tank (owned), while 26 use the communal one, 4 use water-sealed but with other depository (owned), 18 use open pit toilet, 9 use closed pit, while 6 households do not have toilet at all. Figure below shows the percentage of toilet facilities used in barangay Guripan.

Figure 16. Toilet facilities in barangay Guripan (Source: CBMS Survey 2016)
Domesticated Animals
According to the Municipal Agriculture’s Office, as of 2018, there are 140 dogs/cats in barangay Guripan. Moreover, there has been no reported vaccination of animals/ pets in the barangay for the year 2019.